Maybe Winter Isn’t Actually The Worst...

The last few months haven't been the easiest for me mentally. September and October were a bizarre season of life that left me feeling unmotivated, uninspired, overwhelmed, and at some points ready to throw in the towel on many of the things I'm working on. During this time, I'd lost sight of my goals and visions and decided that taking a step away from them was what I needed to reach the next threshold of my personal growth.

It's easy to get caught in a web of self-doubt. But recognizing when it rears its ugly head has helped me remember that I am far more than my thoughts. Rather than trying to fight against it or push it away, I took it as a sign that I needed to slow down, re-evaluate, and find my spark again.

Sometimes stillness is the very thing you need to move forward. And now that I've taken some much-needed time to myself to rediscover my passion and vision, I am more than ready to embrace winter as a season of productivity, purpose, and alignment.

Remember this: life ebbs and flows. You won't be motivated all the time, nor will you always wake up ready and eager to do what it takes to reach your goals. So start being patient with yourself, listen to the intuitive calls that beckon for a break, and embrace each season of your life because they are ALL equally important.

As the nights get longer, days get colder, and the leaves part ways from the trees, ask yourself this: how can I embrace this new season of life?


In Case You Needed A Reminder: You Are Not Alone.


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