5 Simple Ways To Jumpstart Your Morning

  1. Start your day with gratitude: This is the easiest way to get your vibe right first thing in the morning! Think about 3 things you’re grateful for, however big or small they may be. Gratitude is the vehicle for abundance so when you start your day in this headspace, you become MAGNETIC

  2. Make time and space for what matters: No one likes being rushed! It’s actually one of my biggest pet peeves, especially when it comes to leaving the house in the morning. Try setting your alarm for a bit earlier so that you actually have time to enjoy each aspect of your morning routine rather than feeling like your scrambling to get yourself together. For me, that means making time to sit and enjoy my coffee, read, or do some journaling. It doesn’t have to be a long production; even 30 minutes set aside for all of this makes a huge difference in how the day will go energetically

  3. Make your bed: This one might seem silly, but making my bed each morning is like my first little “win” of the day. It gets me in a headspace to be ready to conquer the day (and who doesn’t love coming home to a clean bedroom?)

  4. EAT: This is for all my peeps out there that like to “skip breakfast”: have something to eat! Unless you’re intermittent fasting or following a specific program, getting in the habit of skipping breakfast not only messes with your blood sugar but can also lead to overeating later on to compensate for hunger levels. And hangry is never a fun feeling

  5. Get moving: Even better if you can get outside! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: movement is medicine! So go take that class, do some stretching, walk around the block. Get moving!

How do you like your start your day? 


In Case You Needed A Reminder: You Are Not Alone.